Mail Thread Index
- [school-discuss] A significant assistive technology project (fwd),
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] 12 free classic audio books of good quality, our Christmas / New Year's present to everyone.,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Linux in education report #84 for December 2,
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] ShaoLin Aptus 2.0 School,
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] [Fwd: More of the wireless plans are out!],
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] a little story,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] featured broadcast channel at etc ...,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Open Source in Calif Schools?From: W Pennington <>,
- [school-discuss] technology in education, nonprofits, and free software,
- [school-discuss] help me pick?,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] new downloads at etc ...,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] [Fwd: [LinuxInAfrica] LINK: GNU/Linux in education...],
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] audio books selections for december,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Fwd: Re: audio book of the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Fwd: RE: audio book of lion, witch and wardrobe,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Security and Linux,
David Bucknell
- [school-discuss] etc ... merry christmas / happy new year broadcast,
mike eschman
- [school-discuss] Linux in education report #85 for December 16,
Doug Loss
- [school-discuss] New Schoolforge Member,
David Bucknell
- [school-discuss] 3D interactive games for Kindergarten from open source,
Stephen Liu
[school-discuss] etc ... has new screenplays and sheet music in the BOOKS,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] using this search argument on goggle : math kindergarten,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] christmas vacation - science fiction classics for everyone, maybe a little science too ...,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] falling costs of producing audio books,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] RE: Membership Entry Notification,
David Bucknell
[school-discuss] delay in posting new audio scripts at etc ..,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] Slashdot--All schools in Denmark switching to Linux,
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] Denmark, Linux, and Star Office,
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] Educational Materials for Linux,
[school-discuss] Comprehensive Courseware?,
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] Accelerated Reader on Linux,
MK Murlas
[school-discuss] NEWSLETTER: GNU/LinuxIndia Dec 22, 2002 (fwd),
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] article on concurrency by ibm : worth the read,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] etc... Christmas Day broadcast featuring H. G. Wells and Jules Verne,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] corrected "Lost World" broadcast package (260 Meg.) at etc ...,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] Govt move on to let in Linux - The Economic Times,
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] NEWSLETTER: GNU/LinuxIndia Dec 27, 2002 (fwd),
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] proposed design for audio-enablement" of the morganza project : adding audio support to existing sites.,
mike eschman
[school-discuss] URGENT: english review,
Hilaire Fernandes
[school-discuss] Linux in education report #86 for December 30,
Doug Loss
[school-discuss] Computers Not Working In Education,
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