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[school-discuss] featured broadcast channel at etc ...
in addition to the broadcast of East Jefferson High School's Blue Moon Theater
Troop's performance of "The House of Mapuhi" adapted by Rhett Breerwood,
a University of New Orleans graduate student in communications who is working
as an assistant screenwriter on a new John Grisham movie being filmed here
currently, we have programed several new radio plays that we hope are of
interest to list members :
The Odyssey by Homer : First 4 books, all books will be broadcasting by next
weekend. In January, the play will be available as a cd burnable download.
Robert Silverberg's "The Pope of the Chimps".
Secluded from the world, a group of 50 chimpanzees and 10 scientists have
lived together for five chimp generations. They have a mutual vocabulary
of thousands of signs. They have formed bonds of love and trust.
The chimps don't know of human mortality, and the project director is
dying of leukemia. He decides to tell them the truth.
Will the chimps develop religion?
"The Grand Inquisitor" adapted from the Dostoevsky by a flagrant plagiarist.
is faith in a kiss?
and Robert Sheckley's "Bad Medicine" continues it's run, because everyone
needs a laugh.
If you would like to produce any of these radio plays with student actors,
please let us know. Royality free scripts are available.
mike eschman, etc ...
"Not just an afterthought ...