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[school-discuss] technology in education, nonprofits, and free software
Is anyone on this list in this CPSR group, or have contact with them? I'm
just curious. http://www.cpsr.org/program/education/index.html <-- That
URL shows a subset of CPSR that is related to technology in education.
In other news, for what it is worth, my work establishing a nonprofit
organization to foster Free Software and free-software-in-education in the
DC area is growing significantly. A few months back --maybe as many as 12
or 14 months back-- I asked the list if there were folks interested in
working with me in DC/Maryland/Virginia on my nonprofit business
endeavours. Well, that day will soon be coming, perhaps within the next
several months, hopefully within the first quartter of 2003. So expect
updates when there are times worthy of them.
I would like some help from people, if anyone knows of nonprofit orgs, or
NGOs that are using strictly Free Software (ie- adhereing to the GPL or
preparing to migrate their infrastructure entirely to Free Software from
proprietary systems) to please email me the names of those organizations.
I want to expand the list of such organizations that I have started. One
example I recently heard about was Greenpeace/Asia.
(NGOs include non-governmantal organizations, and international
organizations, like the United Nations, etcetera)
As always, you know we are developing and mantain the GNU/Linux in
Education Case Studies Repository at http://casestudy.seul.org. Submit
your school/college/university there if you run and GNU/Linux or know of a
school that does!
Thanks for your help, and have a great week.