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[school-discuss] FEATURE: GNU/Linux from Kindergarten to High School
URL : http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6349
[47]Issue 106: Linux from Kindergarten to High School
Posted on Saturday, February 01, 2003 by [48]Michael Surran
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[51]Linux in Education Moving the school computer lab to Linux was not
an easy decision to make--but it was a beneficial one.
As the bell rings to begin class at Greater Houlton Christian Academy,
enthusiastic students sit down at their shiny, new computer
workstations. In one corner, the red cabinet housing the server hums
quietly as two stuffed penguins look on fondly from their perch. Other
penguins keep watch from different locations as the students enter
their user names and passwords to access their accounts. Ask a student
who ``Tux'' is, and he or she will point to the large penguin painted
on the front wall of the computer lab and say, ``He's the Linux
penguin!'' About this time KDE has loaded, and young boys and girls
are opening the application they need for class as easily as kicking a
Figure 1. First graders learning some penguin art fundamentals.
Now for a little history. Greater Houlton Christian Academy (GHCA) is
a private school and nonprofit organization in Maine. As such, it does
not have the same access to funding as the public school system. As
the computer science teacher and system administrator, this means I
have to be creative about providing our students with computer
technology while working with a tight budget. In the past I relied on
area businesses and generous individuals to donate their used
computers. While these donations were a great blessing to us, they
were a temporary solution at best.
Last year it became quite evident that we would need to replace our
old, secondhand computers running Windows 95. The decision to move
from donated computers to new computers was based on many factors,
though our primary goal was to make sure our students had the best
technology available for the enhancement of their educational
experience. Therefore, this would be a software upgrade as well as a
hardware upgrade. In fact, choosing the software was by far the bigger
Interestingly enough, it was during this time that many schools in the
western US were being audited by Microsoft concerning the school's use
of Windows and Office software. I began to realize my ignorance
concerning exactly how strict and inflexible the Microsoft EULA is. It
was also during this time that Microsoft's new licensing initiative,
called Software Assurance, was causing quite a stir in the tech
headlines. As my research opened my eyes to the various limitations to
proprietary software, I began to think that the answer for us might be
found in open-source software.
The decision to switch to an open-source platform for our new computer
lab was not an easy one. My experience was with DOS and various
versions of Windows and not with UNIX-compatible operating systems. I
had experimented with Linux a few years earlier but found it somewhat
difficult and incomplete. Because some time had passed, I decided to
give Linux another try. Going with Mandrake's 8.0 distribution, I
installed Linux at home to see if it could replace Windows in a
desktop environment. To my amazement, I found Linux to be much more
capable this time around. I was one step closer to making my decision
to switch our computer lab to the Linux OS.
Other factors went into the final decision to go with open-source
software, not the least of which was cost. By purchasing bare-bones
computer ``kits'', we were able to save considerable money on the
hardware. Part of the savings in purchasing a bare-bones system is
that the computer does not come with an operating system. We knew by
then we would have to spend more money on software than we did on
hardware if we went with Microsoft. Not only would I need to consider
the initial purchase of the operating system and application software,
but I would also need to factor in the costs of upgrading our software
every couple of years. Needless to say, going with an open-source
platform would save us considerable money now and in the future.
Another key issue was flexibility. As many of you know, it takes time
to install an operating system, customize it for the particular
hardware it runs on and install the desired applications. Having
purchased 20 new, identical computers, it made sense to completely
configure one machine and then clone the hard drive to the other 19
computers. However, Microsoft's EULA prevents a user from doing this,
even if they have 20 copies of Windows. Not only would Linux save me
considerable time by allowing me to clone my configured PC, it also
gave me great flexibility in the degree to which I could customize the
OS for the hardware. By recompiling the kernel to take advantage of
our specific hardware, I could fine-tune the OS to run at peak
performance. Linux would even save us money in the cloning process,
thanks to the dd command.
A few aspects, however, made the decision to switch to Linux a
difficult one. The smaller software base to choose from and the lack
of mature drivers for our hardware were among the lesser obstacles.
The major obstacle was my own lack of experience with the Linux OS. In
fact, most of the money and time spent in the software upgrade of our
computer lab was for a shelf full of books I had to purchase and read
to really feel confident using and teaching Linux. It isn't always
easy to teach an old dog new tricks, but I found the experience one of
the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my IT career.
Today our private school of over 170 students has one of the finest
computer labs in Maine. We have 20 computers with Athlon 1600+ XP
processors, 128MB of RAM, 20GB hard drives and all the
accessories--3-D graphics, sound, 17" monitors and 100Mbps Ethernet
networking. Our computers run Mandrake Linux 8.2 with KDE 3.0.2. What
is most amazing is we upgraded our computer lab for under half the
cost of what many neighboring schools paid for inferior equipment.
Most of this savings was the result of switching to Linux.
Our servers also run Linux. Using NFS, students can access their
accounts from any computer in the lab. Student- and staff-owned files
are backed up on a daily basis, so gone are the days of ``the computer
lost my homework.'' Our proxy server runs Squid to help speed our
wireless internet connection to 20 workstations, and we use proxy
software along with iptables to provide firewall protection. A nice
program called Dansguardian provides filtering to protect our children
from pornography and other inappropriate content.
Many of you may be asking at this point, ``How do you use Linux in
teaching your students?'' GHCA is a K-12 school, and so we strive to
offer some level of computer training for each grade. Kindergarten
students, for example, can use such programs as Potato Guy to practice
hand-eye coordination and familiarize themselves with how to use a
mouse to manipulate objects on the computer screen. Elementary and
secondary teachers integrate the computer lab into their curriculum by
using the computer for research, multimedia enhancements or even
something simple as coloring digital pictures.
Figure 2. Potato Guy develops mouse skills.
Starting with grade seven, education in computer science takes a more
formal approach. Seventh graders are taught keyboarding skills using
programs such as KTouch and TuxTyping. Grade-eight students are taught
the basics of programming with the kate editor and yabasic
interpreter. It is during this class that students gain a better
understanding of how computers process instructions.
Figure 3. Students learn touch typing with KTouch.
Computer Fundamentals is a one-credit course that introduces the
ninth-grade student to ``how a computer works'' and ``how to work a
computer''. During the second semester, students learn about the
purpose and use of the operating system and various applications, such
as word processors, spreadsheets and web browsers. Because our
computers run Linux, it is the Linux OS and open-source software that
students learn in this class. Being sensitive to the fact that
Microsoft currently dominates the PC market in corporate America, I do
spend time discussing the similarities and differences between Linux
and Windows.
Tenth- through twelfth-grade students can chose from a variety of
computer electives, including how to upgrade and repair computers, web
site design, advanced programming and even an upcoming course in
robotics. In making the switch to Linux, I easily found all the tools
needed to teach these courses using open-source software. In many
cases, the open-source software we now use is superior to the
proprietary software originally donated to us.
This is our first year with our new computer lab, and I am very
pleased with how it is progressing. One of the most pleasing
experiences I am having as a system administrator of a Linux-based lab
is the actual ease of administration. Once I set something up in
Linux, I rarely need to worry about it again. This was not the case
with Windows. Last year we were constantly suffering from system
crashes, frozen servers, strange bugs and the infamous ``blue screen
of death''. Needless to say, it was a frustrating situation for many
students. While Linux is not bug-free, it has been a far more stable
operating system for both our workstations and servers. Linux also has
shown itself to be a much more versatile operating system to
administer in a network environment. My job is more pleasurable thanks
to our switch to Linux.
As a teacher of computer science, I am finding this year a fascinating
test for Linux. Very few of our students, parents or teachers knew
what Linux was before this year. I have actually found this to be a
great advantage in teaching computers. In the past, I have found
students to be disinterested in learning about the personal computer
running Windows, because it is something most of them grew up with at
home. This lack of interest made it more difficult to teach the
more-advanced aspects of the operating system. However, Linux is
something completely new, different and unexplored. Instead of being
intimidated by the change, as many adults might be, young people are
excited to explore the ``uncharted territory''. This opens a door for
me as a teacher, allowing me to educate eager minds in the
more-advanced aspects of computer operating systems and software. In
fact, it only took two weeks until students began to ask me, ``Where
can I get Linux?''
People sometimes ask me, ``Is teaching our students Linux preparing
them for the workplace?'' This question is based on the fact that
Microsoft is the current dominating presence in operating systems and
office software. It is a question I have thought over a long time, and
the answer I always come up with is, ``Yes, most definitely.'' The
basic principles of any type of operating system, office application
or other similarly grouped software are the same. A student who
becomes proficient in Linux will not find themselves lost in a Windows
environment. I have found Linux to be the more advanced of the two
operating systems, yet our students are very quickly and easily
learning it. The process of copying a file or formatting a paragraph
is not so different between one operating system and the other. The
important thing is we are able to offer the latest in hardware and
software tools to train our students in these fundamental
principles--something we could not do if we went with proprietary
Another question that may be even more important to ask is, ``What is
the future of Linux?'' When our students graduate a few years from
now, will they enter a Microsoft-dominated workplace or will the tide
have changed? Even in our small New England town of Houlton, Maine,
businesses are beginning to look to Linux as an alternative to
proprietary operating systems. These businesses will need qualified
personnel familiar with the Linux operating system and open-source
applications. Greater Houlton Christian Academy will be graduating
young men and women who will be able to meet that need, a claim not
many schools in our nation can currently make. In fact, some of our
students may go on to write the future applications for Linux, giving
back to the community that helped them during their school years.
For us, switching to open-source software running on the Linux
operating system has been the right choice, allowing us to provide our
students with modern equipment and software for a fraction of the cost
of a computer lab running proprietary software. If Linux continues to
grow in popularity and gain a foothold in the workplace, we will look
back at our choice as one of the most important decisions we've ever
Michael Surran is the system administrator and computer science
teacher at Greater Houlton Christian Academy ([52]www.ghca.com) in
Northern Maine. Michael enjoys church, outdoor adventures, target
shooting, sci-fi, collecting penguins and his wife, Lisa, who also
teaches at GHCA.
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