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Re: [school-discuss] ISO Award suggestions and Software Freedom
There seems to be consensus around either the Open Minds Awards, or the
Open Mind Awards. (An "n" followed by a "d" followed by an "s" is not so
easy to pronounce, unless you say it as "Mines" and that sounds like a
different award).
Those working on art work might want to, first, make sure we agree on
the name, but also make images that refer back to Schoolforge (ie, color
scheme, motif from Schoolforge puzzle logo, etc). Also, different sizes
(including small ones) that can be proudly displayed on web pages.
We could have in mind a set of categories, and then go out looking to
see what fills them. But, maybe we should just find excellent programs
and create categories for them. We could also give awards to people
rather than just projects. Politicians, programmers, columnists, etc.
Then, maybe we can just accept the nominations as awards, or vote if
necessary. How does this group decide anything?
I think we should do this in the next month, and have an PR/announcement
to kick off the Software Freedom Season (see
http://emergent.brynmawr.edu/?SoftwareFreedom) on March 4th.
Douglas S. Blank, Assistant Professor
dblank@brynmawr.edu, (610)526-6501
Bryn Mawr College, Computer Science Program
101 North Merion Ave, Park Science Bld.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 dangermouse.brynmawr.edu
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Doug Loss Courage is resistance to
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Bloomsburg University not absence of fear.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain