I thought I'd forward this to the list as deciding what to do here is
complicated and will require lots of space. I need advice on what to ask Gunnar
Stefansson, the developer. If nothing else, have a look at this if you're
evaluating courseware, please. It's at http://www.tutor-web.net
Thank you,
----- Forwarded message from Gunnar Stefansson <gunnar@hafro.is> -----
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 14:25:56 +0000
From: Gunnar Stefansson <gunnar@hafro.is>
Reply-To: Gunnar Stefansson <gunnar@hafro.is>
Subject: Re: Evaluating Tutor-Web
To: David Bucknell <david@members.iteachnet.org>
I see that you develop Tutor-Web. I am looking at intranet projects for the ISO
project and Tutor-Web is cross-referenced with courseware and intranets. I have
a question: Where can I get the code? The demo, by the way, looks really
interesting -- unique.
Well, thank you. All the more since you are the first one to ask:-)
So: The way I normally set this up on a new computer is usually to take the entire
structure and tar+gzip it to the new machine. I'd be more than happy to take
the most
recent version and put it where you can pick it up. That would include the
perl web-serving program, slide processing utilities and the existing
course material. When re-expanded this may be around 1Gb.
The demo is a bit out of date - I'm planning to update that in summer. Another
problem is that, due to my location, I do not have a good example or complete
tutorial in English yet. That may take a bit longer, but I been intending to
set up a short tutorial on something like basic Unix shell commands - for people
such as yourself to see a decent example. Normal development of a complete set
of material takes me about two iterations with real students:-)
I expect you will have a Linux computer with perl. I do use a number of
additional perl toolboxes, but you probably have many of those installed
But you got me curious: What does the ISO project do?
I'll be on the road for the rest of the day and tomorrow but will try to answer
mails tomorrow afternoon.
----- End forwarded message -----
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *