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[school-discuss] Mini-conference in Dallas area - next step
I heard back from some of you that you might be interested in
participating. Here is the progress . .
1. I have obtained permission from my principal to use my campus(brand
new school this year) for a mini-conference on April 5, 2003.
2. Our district technology director agreed to assign district inservice
hours for the coursework and gave his blessings.
3. I plan to charge a registration fee using linuxined.org and paypal,
so I can give a percentage to presenters and use a percentage to cover
facility expenses. (have no idea on how much that should be)
4. A school club could run a concession stand.
5. We are located just south of I30 and just west of Beltline Road in
Grand Prairie, TX, (Dallas area) south of the Lone Star Racetrack - if
you know where that is.
6. This might be something that others will take over for future
conventions - or maybe we take turns hosting the event each year?
7. Maybe only a few people will come, or maybe a large group. My campus
houses 1000 students, so we could accommodate any group. Grand Prairie
is in the Dallas, TX metroplex with many hotels and restaurants in the
8. I could do a bunch of local advertising and maybe get a good
response. However, even ten people would be great!!
My reason's for wanting to organize an event:
1. I am a new mommie - children are 1 1/2 and 4 = can't travel to
2. I need inservice credit for my school district and I want to attend
something relevant to my teaching area (animation and webpage
development using Mandrake 9.0).
3. I was formerly a music teacher/drama coach and have organized music
festivals, contests, dinner theaters, etc. So I thought - why not
organize my own convention?
4. I feel so alone!! I want to meet other Linux geeks!!
What do you think? Who would come?? Who would be a presenter? What
would be your topics?? What else is required to make it a success??
Teacher Person who loves Linux