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Re: [school-discuss] [Fwd: [ICT Research Network] Thin Client]
Damiano Verzulli wrote:
> Miles Berry wrote:
>> *Becta Thin Client study- help required*
>> Becta has commissioned KPMG to study the implementation of Thin Client
>> technology in schools in England. [...]
>> It would be very helpful if you could provide any relevant information
>> as soon as you are able...
> I don't want to seem "polemic" but... as far as I know, KPMG is not used
> to work "for free" (as in beer) while we are used to.
> So, at least, will the results of the study be "shared" with the
> community and/or this list?
> Cheers,
> Damaino
Schoolforge-uk are on the case and have a representative meeting with
Becta next week to discuss the terms of reference and offer assistance.
I'd expect a published report at the end of KPMG's study, and I'll try
to remember to post a link here.
Becta's earlier study of TCO for open source was mentioned on this list
back in May - it's still interesting reading. Have a glance at