Some priorities and potential tools I see for Cambodia are
- website development - we like Joomla s it is easy to teach and immensely expandable. Our Joomla Users Group is planning various activities in the near future and hopes to rollout training in cooperation with the National ICT Development Authority nationwide for all sectors... education, business, government and beyond...
- school admin - your suggestion of schooltool is one I have looked at for the past years... but as far as I can see it is not as mature as OpenAdmin... not having used any of the FLOSS school admin solutions I have little to go on... what are your thoughts?
- distance education - of course Moodle looks great... but I think we are still a long way form offering distance educaiton... infrastructure, cultural changes and much more needs to come...
We really need hardware in Cambodia... if any of you have ideas on how to help us get donated computers then please do email me individually..