Richard Andrews wrote:
Word-of-mouth is the only advertising medium available to FOSS. It is important to have the right words coming out of the right mouths.
Rich, I have tried with all my heart to be a good word of mouth for FOSS for schools, if you've seen any of my writings that you think are not the best message to send, please let me know. I've made evangelization of FOSS for schools my top avocation (believe it or not, I do have a day job in the broadband telecom industry), but I will always listen to ideas for better ways of convincing schools, especially given the battles I've had to fight in that regard.
I'd also love for this group to explore the idea of how we can more determinately promote FOSS for schools. Our competition uses advertising, wining and dining, FUD, and incentives to achieve their goals; what can we do in defense besides FUD? Could we stimulate a YouTube video of FOSS and email the links to educators (as opposed to advertising in the regular media)? Could we blanket public radio with requests for interviews with key FOSS proponents? Ideas, please!
Best, Daniel -- Daniel Howard President and CEO Georgia Open Source Education Foundation