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Re: [school-discuss] good news from TCEA
Actually, I have attended this conference before, but not as a teacher for about
10 years. I always considered it to be somewhat lame (topics like "how to read
email or use a word processor"). Though I have not attended recently, I have
read about session topics and I attended as a vendor in 2005. Last year I
presented at and attended one of their fall mini-conferences and was pleased to
discover several open source offerings. This year was way beyond that, however.
Open source software was everywhere. There was even a dude giving sessions
about why we need to switch to Linux NOW. His argument was promoting
scalability and sustainability in our efforts to bring computers to every
In 2005 I was preaching Linux from a corner of the Gateway booth. At that time
most folks I chatted with had still not even heard of Linux.
Marilyn :)
Quoting David Lloyd <lloy0076@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Marilyn,
> Marilyn Hagle wrote:
> > I would say that about 30% of the workshops offered were about free
> resources,
> > open source software, and Linux. This is the first time I have attended
> and
> > felt like every session was fabulous.
> Do you mean:
> 1. This is my first year of attendance (I haven't been to this before)
> 2. Everything I attended was fabulous
> OR
> 1. I have attended before but been to sessions that I wouldn't describe
> as "fabulous" unlike this (second, third, ...th) time where all the
> sessions I atteneded were fabulous
> I'd place my bets on the first but given the vagaries of English I'm not
> sure.