Dear Charlie Cosse,
Thanks for this. Have you submitted your apps to the Seul/Edu database so that
people can find them? If not, it would be great if you would:
Then I will grab the news and put it on in the Apps
for Ed category.
It would be great if those with energy would submit their own apps that have
already been indexed, too. Should I do yours, Bruno?
Thank you,
Quoting ccosse <>:
i've written two educational applications that you might be interested in;
the first is a math-scrabble game written in pygame/sdl and the second is
a javascript crossword builder. I need to revisit both, but they work well
in their current state and my kids like them, so that's something.
The crossword builder can be tried at:
The crossword package can be downloaded at:
The math-scrab*le game you'll need to download at:
I'll get some screenshots up this weekend and probably begin some small
documentation. Please disregard the contents of the readme's in the pkgs
as they are somewhat irrelevant anymore.
I'd like to be an active member of this community and will be getting
back regarding actually joining soon. I'd appreciate feedback on the
games and will gladly respond to help requests you may have regarding
setup of the Math-Scrab*le game.
Charlie Cosse