I am currenly beginning a dissertation which aims specifically at the
open movement and free software in education. I have been a lurker here
for a long time because I think that these discussion are much more
rich than anything that I can find in print. Although I have a good
background in both technical and pedagogical areas related to
educational technologies, this forum continues to provide a light into
the vast universe that I have yet to explore. I am just wondering if there are those that would consider participating in a study in this area. It would probably involve one or two open interviews, and not much more than what you are doing now ... actively discussing the future of software and technology. I have yet to get to the state where I have the paperwork done, but I am starting to gather names. If there are those interested , please let me know how I can contact you in the months to come. -- Alec Couros IT Coordinator FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF REGINA REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN S4S 0A2 (306) 585 4739 E-Mail: alec.couros@uregina.ca http://education.uregina.ca/directory/couros.htm The difficulty lies not in the new ideas but in escaping the old ones, that branch out into every corner of our minds. ~ John Maynard KeynesKarl wrote: On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Les Richardson wrote:Hi Doug,As most of you will have figured out, my previous messages were prologue for a major proposal. You will have noticed that I'm calling for the end of the ISO project, the restart of the Linux in Education reports in a different form under the auspices of Schoolforge, the transfer of the case studies to Schoolforge, and the reorganization of the AppIndex into a front end for the Freshmeat dataset and also for its transfer to Schoolforge.As far as the case studies are concerned I think any impetus gained from moving to schoolforge can only be a good thing. I'm hoping more people will get interested in asking academics/students to post their papers, letters, readings, or writings to the case studies section. We need to be as replete as possible a repository for all the material and research related to free software in education. That means lots of help from other people recruiting people to submit... perhaps some people can revisit the setup we have now and inject some fresh ideas for recruiting and acquiring more data. I agree with whatever Doug feels. 2 cents. -Karl@seul |