Bonjour Marc,
... follow curriculum that is proven and tested.
Hm... Probably you can use that curriculum if your
circumstances, equipments and 'those who want to
learn' are the same as described in the curriculum.
Yes, I avoid 'pupils', 'students', 'adults', 'Drop
outs' etc. because:
I wish to launch a Digital Literacy campaign
Great! But do the job well. I humbly urge you on
behalf of the 'those who want to learn' to read Paolo
Freire's teaching methods. He did alphabetical
literacy in South-America. He is the teacher you need
to teach in a way that will be beneficial to needs of
the teached and yours as well.
Salutations cordiales,
On 1/30/14 11:25 AM, Marc Stephan Nkouly wrote:
Good Morning to everyone
Am a young man managing a cyber cafe in Bamenda, Cameroon In AFRICA.
I discovered a Linux some few years back with the help of a friend of
mine living in the UK.
I wish to launch a Digital Literacy campaign with FOSS to show to
people in my community that Computers is not as difficult to use as
they may think .
Is true after this i will like to do launch another program to target
School Drop out and unemployed adults to train them on basics Linux
and other technical parts so that they can consider a career in
Computing with Foss and hence go out of the cycle of Poverty.
I don't consider my self as much knowledgeable about this subject but
i will like to collaborate with people interested and follow
curriculum that is proven and tested.
For the first phase i intent to start as soon as possible and am going
to make a radio announcement
The propose curriculum is and we are going to target people who have
never touch a computer we are going to introduce them to using
computers DEBIAN or peppermint OS (For the moment we already have 8
computers running Peppermint, unfortunately i was not able to find
documentation on the web base that teach " Using Computer & Managing
files base on LXDE")
If they are people interested let me know because as i said this is
just the first stage after am going to launch another one a bit
technical base with LINUX ESSENTIAL .
Am looking forward while waiting for the response of people interested.
Here's a link on my Campaign.
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