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Re: [school-discuss] FOSS Digital Literracy Camapaign in Cameroon,Africa
Yeah we can skype my account is
I will check you tomorrow am a bit tired now but am so glad to see
they are people who beleive in my ideas, here people where looking at
me as a revolutionary.
thanks once more
On 1/30/14, Dirk Schouten <d.schouten@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good evening (here in Holland) Marc,
> I will try to find some works of P.F. that are online.
> In fact, it's very good to hear that you belong to
> the same group you are going to teach. That's an
> enormous advantage.
> Do not spoil the confidence of your group by
> following some curriculum, written by a teacher
> not belonging to the group.
> By the way, I'm no academic.
> Part of my work depends on P.F. and on Celestin
> Freinet a French (!!) teacher. He also stands for
> what you need.
> Read the short intro on both CF and PF on
> http://wyxs.net/web/was_en/intro.html
> Both have about the same method. I summarize, so I
> have to be too short. The bottom line of their
> method is:
> "Ask the one who wants to learn what he/she wants
> to learn" Be in dialogue with the group to expore
> _their_ needs. In that way you create your own
> curriculum.
> That's why you are so important!
> Must be continued. Can you Skype?
> Kind regards from a cold and winterly Holland,
> Dirk
> On 30/01/14 20:33, Marc Stephan Nkouly wrote:
>> Bonjour Dirk
>> Please can you provide me some readings about : Paolo Freire's teaching
>> methods.. is true you are not the first person talking to me about him,
>> but
>> i still wonder how i can put his methods in practice am not an
>> academician
>> and in fact the reason why i target School Dropout and young adult is
>> simply because i am part of that same group but i feel like the one who
>> should take the lead because am standing in a position to do something
>> that
>> i would have loved someone else did for me some few years ago when i
>> where
>> idle and had no jobs is true am still in a delicate situation with my
>> boss
>> going to close the cyber but am not affraid.
>> Merci d'avance
>> On 1/30/14, Dirk Schouten <d.schouten@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Bonjour Marc,
>>>> ... follow curriculum that is proven and tested.
>>> Hm... Probably you can use that curriculum if your
>>> circumstances, equipments and 'those who want to
>>> learn' are the same as described in the curriculum.
>>> Yes, I avoid 'pupils', 'students', 'adults', 'Drop
>>> outs' etc. because:
>>>> I wish to launch a Digital Literacy campaign
>>> Great! But do the job well. I humbly urge you on
>>> behalf of the 'those who want to learn' to read Paolo
>>> Freire's teaching methods. He did alphabetical
>>> literacy in South-America. He is the teacher you need
>>> to teach in a way that will be beneficial to needs of
>>> the teached and yours as well.
>>> Salutations cordiales,
>>> Dirk
>>> On 1/30/14 11:25 AM, Marc Stephan Nkouly wrote:
>>>> Good Morning to everyone
>>>> Am a young man managing a cyber cafe in Bamenda, Cameroon In AFRICA.
>>>> I discovered a Linux some few years back with the help of a friend of
>>>> mine living in the UK.
>>>> I wish to launch a Digital Literacy campaign with FOSS to show to
>>>> people in my community that Computers is not as difficult to use as
>>>> they may think .
>>>> Is true after this i will like to do launch another program to target
>>>> School Drop out and unemployed adults to train them on basics Linux
>>>> and other technical parts so that they can consider a career in
>>>> Computing with Foss and hence go out of the cycle of Poverty.
>>>> I don't consider my self as much knowledgeable about this subject but
>>>> i will like to collaborate with people interested and follow
>>>> curriculum that is proven and tested.
>>>> For the first phase i intent to start as soon as possible and am going
>>>> to make a radio announcement
>>>> The propose curriculum is and we are going to target people who have
>>>> never touch a computer we are going to introduce them to using
>>>> computers DEBIAN or peppermint OS (For the moment we already have 8
>>>> computers running Peppermint, unfortunately i was not able to find
>>>> documentation on the web base that teach " Using Computer & Managing
>>>> files base on LXDE")
>>>> If they are people interested let me know because as i said this is
>>>> just the first stage after am going to launch another one a bit
>>>> technical base with LINUX ESSENTIAL .
>>>> Am looking forward while waiting for the response of people interested.
>>>> Marc
>>>> Here's a link on my Campaign.
>>>> http://igg.me/at/cameroon-cyber/x/5853802
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