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Re: [school-discuss] convincing school ITs to try Linux

Gail Waldo, Director of Operational Technology for APS. She'll likely not be as keen to talk to a consultant, but I think she'd be happy to talk to other school IT folks and principals/superintendents.


Chris Gregan wrote:
I'm glad to help. I hope the Ubuntu Studio works out. I'd like to here
your opinions of it. I have not installed it personally, but have heard
good things.

Contact information for the APS leader would be great. I'm interested
most in process. As I said, it is tough for me as an outside
consultant/advocate. Thanks to all for the advice.

In reference to Justin's call for information, perhaps a "Profiles in
FOSS" might be helpful. A kind of who's who of the folks that have been
a part of educational FOSS migrations, and are willing to talk to
potential adopters? A listing of contact info on the site, available to

Thanks again,

Great links Chris, I'm going to try UbuntuStudio on my wife's new
Ubuntu laptop from Dell.

Since APS currently plans to do 20-30 new schools this coming year,
best thing might be to get your IT folks in touch with the leader of
the APS pilot effort.  If you'd like her contact info I'll get it to
you off list, I know she's been approached by several other school
Chris Gregan
Open Source Consultant/Founder
Aptenix LLC Desktop Solutions
New Market MD 21774

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