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[school-discuss] Fwd: Recognizing K12 FLOSS Pioneers
Mike Huffman and Laura Taylor from the Indiana INACCESS program are planning an international conference October 9 - 11 in Indianapolis to explore the benefits of FLOSS in education. The preliminary website is at
http://www.centerdigitaled.com/conference.php?confid=378. This is going to be a large, professionally-planned event, using the services of the Center for Digital Education for much of the logistical planning.
I've suggested that there have been a lot of folks who've been involved in years of grass-roots efforts to bring FLOSS into K-12 schools, and we need to make sure that they are recognized, informed on the conference planning, and given a chance to give input. Would you please take a minute to add your name (if you feel you are in that group) and the names of others that you feel have really helped the cause over the years. I've added a page to my K12 Open Source wiki where you can add names:
I'll also keep posting updates to this and other mailing lists.
Steve Hargadon