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Re: [school-discuss] suggestions about secondary school project using FOSS
are you a teacher or an educational technologist?
--- roberto <roberto03@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> i am currently involved in developing an educational
> project for
> secondary school students (14-18) in Italy, which
> will be very likely
> extended to primary schools (10-13) in a slightly
> adapted fashion.
> At the moment i am looking for case
> studies/suggestions/experiences in
> this field to build the basis of the activity.
> The aim is to let young people become aware of the
> great power of
> media technologies and how istructive is to use them
> under the FOSS
> umbrella.
> The project has roughly these features:
> 1. two parts, one school-year long each
> 2. two teachers involved: one expert in humanities
> area and the other
> (me) in the technological/scientific area
> 3. roughly 60 guys involved
> 4. we plan to extend it to primary schools, in the
> second part
> Now, students should not only learn what they can do
> using more
> skillfully Internet, programming tools, website
> mastering and so on
> but also realize some effective output which,
> eventually may be then
> used in the second phase.
> Any suggestion is very appreciated. Of course,
> direct involvement of
> other parties around the world is possible and
> welcome.
> Regards.
> --
> roberto
> OS: GNU/Linux, Debian
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