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Re: [school-discuss] Re: good programming language for learning
> what does Euphoria provide that Python does not?
> Cheers,
> Rasjid.
> --
> Rasjid Wilcox
> Canberra, Australia (UTC +10 hrs)
> http://www.openminddev.net
. here is what I got googling for diff.s betwen python
and euphoria :
euphoria is
30 times faster than conventional interpreters such
as Python
--but Make Python Run as Fast as C with Psyco -
. and here is a problem with both python and euphoria(
though the page I.m referencing has a
comment-appending function, and some readers have
differed w the author on his portrayal of python )
[Programming Language Comparison
by Jason
. Python
is often heralded as an Object-Oriented language, but
its support for Object-Orientation seems to have been
tacked on. Some operations are implemented as methods,
while others are implemented as global functions.
Also, the need for an explicit "self" parameter for
methods is awkward. Some complain about Python's lack
of "private" or "hidden" attributes, which goes
against the Encapsulation/Information Hiding
principle, while others feel that Python's
"privateness is by convention" approach offers all of
the practical benefits as language-enforced
encapsulation without the hassle. The Ruby language,
on the other hand, was created in part as a reaction
to Python. The designer of Ruby decided that he wanted
something "more powerful than Perl, and more
Object-Oriented than Python." You can see this
[comparison of Python and Ruby for more information]
[@]http://dev.rubycentral.com/faq/rubyfaq-2.html :
. Ruby's OO purity
provides a number of features that Python lacks or is
still working toward: a unified type/class hierarchy,
metaclasses, the ability to subclass [/]everything,
and uniform method invocation (none of this len() is a
function but items() is a method rubbish). Ruby, like
Smalltalk, only supports single inheritance, but it
does have a very powerful mixin concept: a class
definition may include a module, which inserts that
module's methods, constants, etc. into the class.
now I am interested in ruby:
Ruby [the birthstone for July (following "perl" for
June)] combines some of the best features of several
other languages, leaving behind many of their
shortcomings. It's a pure object-oriented language
like Smalltalk, but with clearer syntax (inspired by
Eiffel). It has powerful text-handling like Perl, but
is better structured and more consistent. It borrows
ideas (but not the parentheses) from Lisp. Those
who've tried it seem to love it, and rarely switch
back to their previous languages. A free interpreter
is available for Windows, Unix-like, Mac, OS/2, and
BeOS systems. ..
. python shares many positive attributes with Ruby,
and adds the ability to run it on any machine that
supports Java. It's often criticised, however, for not
being as purely object-oriented as other languages .
[ Where can I get Ruby sources?
The latest version of Ruby can be downloaded from:
http://rubyinstaller.sourceforge.net/ :
The Ruby Installer for Windows is now available on
SourceForge. This is a "one-click", self-contained
installer that comprises the Ruby language itself,
dozens of popular extensions and packages, a
syntax-highlighting editor and execution environment,
and a Windows help file that contains the full text of
the book, "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic
Programmer's Guide".
. actually, I am not really familiar with euphoria
because I just found it yesterday,
but I mentioned it for the person in this forum that
was wondering about prog-learn options
. I am not familiar with python
except to know that it is very popular, and very
and for the reasons you mentioned, I would rather use
python's code base than euphoria's in similar works of
my own undertaking;
I learned on basic, and did most of my work in vax
pascal at school . I also got a chance to compare
lisp, c, and 3 assembly langs . after being tortured
by these, I now aspire to learn just enough of ms c++
to create a sort of python on my pocket pc that
features a lang of my own design, combining {lisp,
prolog, c, ada, visual } features without tacking them
on .
. while googling for this article, I found another
educational programming toy:
http://www.swi-prolog.org/ :
SWI-Prolog is a Free Software Prolog compiler
. Being free, small and standard compliant, SWI-Prolog
has become very popular for
. and it has a cool site award?
: strange it.s not on the list;
use dmoz's search (swi) ->
# SWI-Prolog - Stable and free standard Prolog
. Targeted primarily at research and education
. Windows, Linux and Unix versions available
. Comes with a visual debugger
and a GUI environment.
-- I tried to pick this lang up in school because I
was interested in artif intel;
but, when it was described as a complete programming
I thought they were stretching it's natural
limitations a bit trying to use this lang for anything
but database and expert systems;
though I took a tour from a book:
I.m sure a working implementation must be couched
within plenty of precedural language features .
. finally, it occurred to me that mathematica has a
built-in programming language .
it.s a carnival for kids interested in both math and
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