I think that it is a major blunder to view any rational thrust into the
schools adaptation of Open Source as a Linux initiative. Especially
when schools, who are goal and objective driven, must sift through
thousands of duplicatory packages, many of dubious quality, that
comprise what I call the "kitchen sink" distros such as Redhat, Suse,
Mandrake and Debian. We must, instead look at open source as a
collection of tools to bbe selected from the perspective of the
teachers and admins. We must produce an Educational System which is
based on a minimalist, goal driven philosophy. FreeBSD would work
equally well in schools, and it has a more rational license. I am
collecting papers for an edited books on Transforming Schools Through
Goal Driven Open Source Software. Any educator, or professional who
can produce any contribution to this title would be welcome to submit.
Thanks you. --
Michael Dean, CEO mdean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
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