Karsten M. Self wrote: on Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 01:16:45AM +0100, Knut Yrvin (knuty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:s?ndag 06 mars 2005, 20:28, skrev Michael Dean:My point is that a new process must take place before schools, other than computer science departments of universities, will take Open Source seriously. Yes, some school admins have arbitrarily forced it down their teachers and students throats, but adaptation comes from pull not push forces in our society.The unbiased question should be:The unbiased answer is: Michael Dean is trolling and/or transrational, and you have been trolled. There remain some interesting issues he addresses, discussion of which may be useful for the rest of the crowd.You did not answer my questions:Get used to it ;-) Peace. Again, I raise interesting questions that
should be discussed, but I am trolling. Get a life Kirsten!
begin:vcard fn:Michael Dean n:Dean;Michael email;internet:michael.dean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx tel;work:925-370-8439 tel;fax:none tel;pager:none tel;home:925-286-5556 tel;cell:925-286-5556 x-mozilla-html:TRUE version:2.1 end:vcard