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Re: [school-discuss] appindex?
On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 11:44:34AM -0500, Doug Loss wrote:
> >Sorry-sorry-sorry, I must go help AppIndex if I've got that much
> >free time to type things in! (actually, not that much even)
> Funny you should mention that...
Not that funny, remembering how often it helped *me* some four
years ago or so. Having looked over it a bit, couldn't remember
what would be missing there -- everything related I maintain or
have subscribed to at freshmeat seems in place.
> The AppIndex is badly maintained these days (entirely my fault)
Why fault? It's working and it has the information. Getting an
initial base and infrastructure is far more painful than getting
worthy educational apps there as they arrive (it's not my main
interest these days but still eye-catching enough).
> and needs someone to keep up on it. Les Richardson has done
> what he could when he could, but it's not enough. We have some
> ideas on how to fix things, but no one to do them. Are you
> interested in this, Michael? Or anyone else, for that matter.
I'd gladly like to, but taking on just as much projects as can
handle efficiently is not my strongest part already. Still at
the office, and it's not unusual.
*Maybe* and article on Freshmeat would be worth it: there's
similar audience regarding "software announces/catalogue"
although wider in interests. Combining what's there, what needs
fixing and how it's implemented at the moment ("a set of Perl
CGIs") could help find a new maintainer (or team for good).
Also forwarding the message to local edu lists -- although
that's kind of slippery on my side...
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/