DSL is by far the best small version out there - 50mb in size.
Distrowatch.com is the best place to look for information
on small distributions. What some people do is use
SLACKWARE as it can be scaled down very easily to
fit size or special needs - it is also the oldest still going
distribution. Zenwalk and SLAX are good examples of
releases based on slackware - check them out they might
have features you like.
cdmiller wrote:
Stewart Ives wrote:
Hello world,
I've been working with someone who is currently using HP's E140
desktops to provide a "Windows" desktop to users. They want to switch
over to
Linux and are looking for the smallest linux desktop they can configure
on the
I suggested they look at the Knoppix CD load as that is around 650MB in
and they would be able to burn it into the 1GB ROM without any problem.
Does anyone else have any suggestions I might pass along.
Damn small linux:
- cameron