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Re: [school-discuss] gcompris won at the trophee du libre
I'd like to add my thanks and congratulations to those of others for Bruno and
team's hard work to make GCompris the excellent set of applications it is. I
look forward to Schoolforge helping him to find new contributing developers,
too, especially since he has created a Python version. Jeff Elkner et al (his
students) may just be able to contribute a board or two, I'll bet.
I've posted the news (below) on http://news.schoolforge.net
Quoting Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@free.fr>:
> I am proud to annouce that gcompris won the education trophee at the
> trophee du libre that took place last friday in soisson france.
> http://www.tropheesdulibre.org
> I would like to thanks all the contributors that helped gcompris to be
> the successfull project it is now.
> I also thanks the organisation abuledu and ofset who make a lot to bring
> gcompris and other free educational application to the schools.
> Thanks again to all of you out there moving bits little by little and
> who makes the free software dream becomming reality.
> Bruno.
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