Codes of Engagement â Call for Papers
8th - 10th April 2013 Watershed, Bristol
As the 18th anniversary of the first Computers in Art and Design Education conference approaches, those born in 1995 have just become our students. Many who then sensed the opportunities and need to make computers an integral part of Art and Design Education might feel that this is now a given. But has this only been the prelude to a greater set of challenges? How will the landscape change when we begin to teach pupils who've been taught how to code in schools? As computing moves off the desktop towards the ubiquitous and the physicalâ and into what should be the natural domain of the arts, is the sector prepared? Can it cope with the demands of electronics alongside coding? Can it innovate and be creative if it doesn't? With creative technology now being one of the highest recruiting areas within Computing Departments are new approaches demanded?
We invite a 500 word proposals for papers covering teaching and creative practice in (but not limited to) the following areas:
Creative Coding.
Beyond Notions of the Artist: User Centered Design.
Ubiquitous and Physical Computing.
Technologies of Production: Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing.
Robotics, Art and Design.
AI and the Arts.
The Internet of Things.
Embedded Computing.
Arduino, Processing , Fritzing et al: Open Source and Creative Practice.
Engineering Creativity.
Re-purposing the Old.
The Artist as Environmentalist.
Prior Lessons to consider when adopting the new.
Submissions should be sent to
cascade@xxxxxxxxx by 6th Jan 2013 with notification of the outcome of submissions provided by 3rd Feb 2013.
The Proceedings will be published by the British Computer Society, of which CAS is a SiG
Sue Gollifer
Director ISEA International Headquarters, University of Brighton
CADE/CAS Committee