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[school-discuss] Re: Your Proposal1647Esch

On Sunday 06 October 2002 01:29 pm, you wrote:
> Dear Friend of the National Educational Computing Conference,
> Thank you for submitting your proposal for NECC 2003. This electronically
> generated response serves as official confirmation that your proposal has
> been received and will be considered for inclusion in the NECC 2003 program
> in Seattle, Washington, June 30 - July 2, 2003.
> All potential presenters will be notified of acceptance/decline via U.S.
> mail by mid-December 2002. If you do not receive a letter from NECC
> indicating the status of your proposal by late December 2002, please notify
> us immediately at neccprogram@iste.org.
> Thank you for your interest in NECC!
> NECC 2003 Program Committee
> - - - - - - - - - - Your Contact Info- - - - - - - - - -
> First Name: Mike
> Last  Name: Eschman
> Job Title: Technical Director
> Affiliation: Engima Technologies Corp.
> Street Address: 52 Oaklawn Drive
> City: Metairie
> State: La
> Zip Code: 70005
> Country: USA
> Work Phone: 504-610-3292
> Home Phone: 504-833-0524
> Fax: 504-833-7781
> Email: meschman@engima.com
> URL for your presentation: http://www.etc-edu.com
> - - - - - - - - - - Submission Details - - - - - - - - - -
> Title: Improving K-12 Public Education by producing your own classroom and
> fund-raising materials
> Category: Make and Take
> Session Theme: Framework
> Session Strand: Implementing the No Child Left Behind (ESEA) legislation
> Workshop Strand:
> Audience: P�12 Teachers
> Teacher Educators (College/University Faculty)
> Technology Coordinators
> Staff Developers
> Library/Media Specialists
> Administrators
> Audience Level: General
> Exhibitor presentation: Yes
> Engima Technologies Corp.
> Diversity Component: Yes
> MLS Alumni: No
> - - - -  - - - - Additional Info Specific to Workshops Submissions  - - - -
> -
> Workshop Length:
> Workshop Format:
> Workshop Skill Level:
> - - - - - - - - - - Description and Summary Info - - - - - - - - - -
> Description: Produce plays, music, text-work books locally.
> Raise money and preserve music and theatre programs as fund-raising
> elements in K-12 environments.
> Summary Info: Public school districts world wide are dealing with shrinking
> budgets and expanding expenses.  At the same time, quality expectations for
> education are rising.
> How to cope? One way is to harvest income from resident talent in students
> and faculty using royalty free software and the internet.  This can provide
> fund-raising opportunities and budget reductions while preserving and
> enhancing the educational experience.
> Our plan rests on these basic principles :
> 1 - by definition, students and teachers possess talent that has value.
> 2 - Public domain source materials can provide a basis for education.
> 3 - With help from local universities, a public domain basis for classroom
> materials can result in reduced spending and improved quality in existing
> programs.
> At etc ... we have built production and distribution systems for text
> books, work books and every form of audio-visual materials.  These systems
> allow school districts to produce new, original materials, which can be
> used in fund-raising activities, such as student plays and concerts, and
> provides a basis for replacing proprietary classroom artifacts with public
> domain materials, which can be extended and enhanced, ultimately creating a
> new body of work, over which school districts hold the copyright.
> The tools leverage the Gutenberg Collection at http://www.promo.net - who
> we support by creating audio books for disabled and english as a second
> language students.
> They also leverage 3D animation technologies funded by the U.S., and
> available internet broadcast facilities.  We are proving their worth by
> supporting teacher request for materials, sponsoring local high school
> theatre groups and putting text and audio for books on the web at
> http://www.etc-edu.com, Engima Technologies home page.
> The idea is cost reduction and community involvement.
> Many school districts have access to public service cable TV and internet.
> These are fund-raising broadcast opportunities that will hone student and
> teacher skills.
> If you cntact a local university and ask them to use your textbook budget
> to create a new set you can control pricing on, then, starting from
> scratch, you are likely to fail.
> Starting with a public domain seed set of thousands of texts, you are more
> likely to succeed.
> If you can record, broadcast and distribute CDs and VCDs of football and
> basketball games, plays and concerts by student performers, this can
> provide a little relief, if royalities don't steal your thunder.  So Open
> Source, free content and software can make a losing proposition a winning
> proposition.  If you can provide parents and other interested parties CDs
> and VCDs[DVDs] of what their children do for a low cost, you can raise
> money and provide student opportunities to "do something real" at the same
> time.  After all, all new ideas come from our children.
> We've been active in doing this since April, at http://www.etc-edu.com.
> I am 52, was raised at a foster home in New Orleans, and have moved back to
> Louisiana to take care of family.  My wife Charlotte, the President of etc
> ..., loves where we grew up, and we both are hell bent on preserving it. 
> My degree is in Computer Science from University of Maryland.  My wife is
> piano tuner to a group of R&B luminaries [Ellis Marsilis, Allan Tousant,
> Henry Butler and most local University music programs [UNO, Xavier, ...].
> She is completing a degree in Music History at UNO.
> We are very active in the community - supporting three Louisiana school
> districts on an on-going basis.  etc ...'s designers include five computer
> science degrred personnel. One of us an MIT graduate.  At the U.S. Army
> Corps of Engineers, New Orleans Disrict, we have introduced software that
> is open source and converts drainage studies from numbers in a listing to
> realistic 3D movies with voice-overs that are computer generated.
> We have leveraged and extended this technology to producing animated shorts
> of school plays ...
> Currently, we are assisting Jefferson Parish School District in Louisiana
> with technical and content assistance for a December Telethon.
> WWOZ [http://www.wwoz.org], the local jazz station and a national favorite
> broadcast site on the internet, is using our broadcast technology to
> broadcast on the internet, with the objective of reducing broadcast cost
> and improving reach and quality via open source and "open hearts".
> At the convention we will make free CDs of any materials at
> http://www.etc-edu.com [not subject to copyright complications], and, if a
> teacher brings a CD with original materials, we will process an audio book,
> copyright free, on the spot, and follow up on broadcast and distribution of
> audio, video and text products within the school year.
> Find us at http://www.etc-edu.com,
> we are an http://opensourceschools.org advocate, member and promoter.
> VNECC Component: Yes
> VNECC Description: As a matter of course, we provide educational broadcasts
> over the internet, cd-rom downloads of texts, and audio-visual materials. 
> If accepted to NECC, we will feature NECC materials on existing
> distribution channels, and endovour to create a network of broadcast
> repeaters world-wide.
> see http://www.etc-edu.com and http://www.promo.net/pg/
> Additional Reviewer Questions, If applicable:
> - - - - - - - - - - Session Equipment Info - - - - - - - - - -
> Concurrent/Research Paper (Lecture):
> Student Showcase Platform Preference:
> Make & Take Platform Preference: 8 PCs (presenter station will also be PC
> or you may bring your own)
> Make & Take Bringing Own: 900 Mhz Athalon running RedHat 7.3 with full
> suite of our tools. 8 PCs could "hook up" om lan to experience broadcast
> materials.
> Additional Equipment:
> - - - - - - - -Workshop Equipment Info - - - - - - - - - -
> Workshop Platform:
> Equipment Platform:
> Lab Requirements:
> Additional  Hardware Requests:
> Additional Software Requests:
> Additional Equipment Provided by Presenter:
> - - - -  Copresenters (if applicable) - - - - -
> Copresenter 1  :
> Copresenter 2  :
> Copresenter 3  :
> Copresenter 4  :
> Copresenter 5  :
> Copresenter 6  :
> Copresenter 7  :