... or "Delivering consistent application experiences everywhere."
... Does LTSP have a VNC Java browser client?
... Is there a way to key sessions to users in LTSP so the session is
persistent? That is, if a LTSP terminal bombs (VNC, PLE-bootable, etc.)
can a user log back into the same X session?
I ask b/c I've just taken a 2nd look @ VNC. VNC has long had a Java
applet component pushed from the VNC server & w/ VNC, the X desktop is
Which brings up another question: How restrictive is Java availability?
Would it be reasonable to expect a reasonably-young version of Java to
be available on 95% of the browsers a student might run into?
WRT to security, UltraVNC has been around for 3-4 years w/ some very
interesting VNC-oriented SSL & VPN-ish tools available (hmmm, & maybe
some of which might have their own compression functions like ssh...).
The bandwidth issue is less a concern in the USA, and the various VNC
projects have done a lot to compress packets.
I hope I don't come across as too dismissive of the bootable CD ... or
the VPN USB portable apps ... they have their place, but I'm trying to
evaluate where they'll have their limitations when restrictive
environments. Each solution -- AJaX (fat, slow), SimDesk (proprietary),
VNC/persistent LTSP, CD-bootable & USB-portable ... all these are going
to have limitations.
Maybe each solution is penultimate and what is needed is a functional
suite of all three to create the perfect solution.. Taking Chris' idea,
a bootable USB stick with a sync / temporary working file space in case
the VPN component isn't available. The USB/CD-bootable distro will
deliver more power & better integration & be a good way to VPN to a host
I'm thinking about how web services have attained ubiquity and what
toolsets will help a student (or any user) to have reliable, consistent
tools wherever they go, with or without $100 laptops, etc.
FWIW ... seven years ago I was running the VNC Java server from multiple
X Deskops (using FVWM2) & having a grand time admin'ing AIX databases
using Linux as a persistent client. At the time it was a bit costly in
terms of CPU, and the Java screen rendering routines were still a bit
rough around the edges
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