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[school-discuss] Re: Membership Entry Notification
Dear Aubrey Sequeira,
Welcome to Schoolforge, the coalition of organizations working to foster open
source software and content for education. I see you promote java. We'll be
interested in hearing your views. You should know that there are a few, simple
requirements of membership. They are listed on the Schoolforge.net Web site, but
just in case you missed them, I'll list them here:
First, please copya logo to your site from http://www.schoolforge.net/logos,
place it prominently, and link it to http://www.schoolforge.net.
Secondly, join schooforge-discuss, the main mailing list at
Third, participate: open standards can only succeed with open communication. as
I said, we look forward to hearing from you.
Meanwhile, you have been subscribed to the schoolforge-core mailing list which
is a low-volume list for membership decision making.
Best wishes,
David Bucknell
for Schoolforge Membership
Quoting Seul/Edu Membership <richl@seul.org>:
> Name: Goldwire SoftWeb Pvt Ltd
> Url: http://www.goldwiresoft.com
> Description: G-Soft is a commercial company engaged in research and
> development of Open Source software for the Education sector.
> Contact: Aubrey Sequeira
> Contact email:aubreys@goldwire.com
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine - International Education Daily
http://opensourceschools.org - Open Source Schools Journal
http://schoolforge.net - Schoolforge Coalition for Open Educational Resources