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Re: [school-discuss] StarOffice in Edu.
Visibility. I don't see Star Office on the
bookshelves in the campus bookstores or talked about
at the edu conferences. I also don't see any
advertising for it in any of the standard edu
pubs...especially k-12. Most teachers and
administrators don't know about it. And if they have
heard about it, they assume it doesn't run on windows.
I also think that a lot of the open-source apps have
been particularly successful at marketing the back-end
technologies as opposed to desktop apps.
One more thing, free often means substandard to a lot
of people. Educators are tired of getting the
leftovers and now that they have the IT $$$ to spend
on technology, they want to purchase something that's
marketed as being "prestigious and
state-of-the-art...use what the leading corporations
use so your students are prepared for the future...."
I obviously don't agree with the "free"
association...just relaying the feedback I've heard
over the years.
Good to hear from you Chris! :-)
--- Christopher Reed <reed@affero.com> wrote:
> I read today in a release on zdnet "Sun expands
> StarOffice giveway" (see link
> below) that Microsoft has 90% of the office suite
> market in Edu.
> I'm curious why a free product like StarOffice is
> not more prevalent in
> education. Is it an issue of support? Usability?
> Laziness (people don't want
> to switch ffrom MS Office)? Or other?
> I appreciate your thoughts.
> Chris
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