I've been considering writing a short book (aimed at young children) that introduces programming using Python. (I've you've ever seen the likes of "Atari BASIC, A Self-Teaching Guide" from the early 80s, that's pretty much what I'm trying to duplicate.) I'm not certain this will ever be publsihed in /print/, but regardless of that, I'm planning on releasing it under an Open Source li
The two big ones I'm aware of are the GNU FDL (Free Doc. Lic.), and the Open Publication Lic. (which Manual.Gimp.org was published under). I haven't actually LOOKED closely at these licenses, but was wondering if there are any others I should consider. What would be the most beneficial to the community? (I'm hoping for updates, corrections, translations, etc. to be applicable w/ the least resistance, and for it to be the most flexible so far as becoming part of larger projects, such as Debian-Edu.) Thanks! -bill! bill@newbreedsoftware.com Man, some trip this turned out to be. http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/ All we caught is a tire, a boot, New Breed Software a tin can and this book of cliches.