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[school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Delight and a request
Dear Susan D'Anton and all,
With all respect to UNESCO and its great initiative, I am a little
surprised about the list of discussants of your Internet forum on
"Open Course Content" (the attachment in your mail).
I highly appreciate the expertise of the discussants, as I very well
know their work in the field. However, in the framework of UNESCO I
would have expected a more culturally diverse group of experts to act
as discussants.
At the moment all the discussants under the title "provider
perspective" come from the United States of America and the
discussants under "user perspective" come from the so called "Third
I am sure participants of this list could have pointed out many
experts around the globe that could act under the title "provider
perspective" and I am sure there are also many people in the
"developed world" - including me - who would have bee happy to
contribute under the title "user perspective" if the list of
providers would have been more diverse.
Yours Sincerely,
- Teemu Leinonen
Susan D'Antoni kirjoitti 15.9.2005 kello 14:59:
Dear Colleagues,
First - I am delighted to see the group spring to life with the
able support of Wayne. We are doing our best to ensure that we can
continue to support this forum and are so pleased to see you all
Second - as you know, we are initiating a complementary discussion
on open course content, and many of you have indicated interest.
We currently have more than 220 on our list, but a review of
country representation shows that Africa, Asia and Latin America
are not particularly well represented.
I would be most grateful for your help in distributing the
information (attached) on any lists you participate in. If you
have suggestions of ways to reach potential participants please let
me know directly at virtual.university@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
With warm regards,
<05 09 14 Open content project desc.pdf>
Teemu Leinonen
+358 50 351 6796
Media Lab
University of Art and Design Helsinki