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Re: [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Social software, FLOSS & organisational transformatio n
michael dean a écrit :
well, in lieu of 35 computers in the art/science room, I went out and
bought 10 lbs of newsprint 3ft X 4ft in dimension and some charcoal
sticks. To paint on the computer screen is a severe limitation to human
expression, does not allow studies in the round, i.e. sculture or
throwing pots, and can't be proudly displayed on the walls of the
school. Leaving Art aside, science experimentation is another area
similar, in which actual hands on experience is to be preferred to
anything digital. By the way, I am playing Devil's Advocate here,
because to subsum teaching under e-learning, IMHO, is a mere human travesty.
I was meaning real painting on the computer screen,
not digital painting ;-) But it will probably turn to be very expensive.
Regarding science experimentation, computers with appropriate software
can be used to catalyse the learning, in particular software which
provide kind of micro-worlds where students can manipulate interactively
things are interesting (interactive geometry, squeak). Of course it only
makes sense when used in a larger scope where other (non-computer)
learning activites take place. Computers are only tools, and as such
tools they only have to be used when appropriate. The difficult part is
to "know" when and what is appropriate.
ADD R0,R1,R2,LSL #2