Hi Alan,
Backgrounder: I've written (and continue to write) Open Administration for
Schools. It is an open source GPL'd software package for school
For ammuntion, you should try to come up with a requirements list for
your school admin software.(what should it do) I could then comment on the
requirements list.
If you look at what other schools are using, I can supply you a list of
schools, divisions using Open Admin for Schools.
Les Richardson
Open Admin for Schools
North Batleford, SK Canada
On Sat, 2 Sep 2006, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> My school principal is planning to spend 15K for "Rediker" school
> administration software. I am appalled: we do not have microscopes
> for our science department!
> I am a GNU/Linux user. Although I can maintain my personal GNU/Linux
> systems, I am reluctant to attempt anything at the school level.
> There are people at the school who are interested in using, for
> example, Open Office, and some interest in GNU/Linux except not enough
> interest to sit down and learn the system. I have been using
> GNU/Linux for at least 12 years; but I am not expert enough to go to
> the school administration and say, "XYZ free software can do this and
> this and this." Everything I do with GNU/Linux, I am over my head.
> I need armament---information to present to tech people and to the
> administration that can convince them that it's not worth it to spend
> 15K, when a system exists that is being used, and is good enough for
> our needs, that is Free or Open Source. We hae a M$ shop, bascially,
> so firmly entrenched (even with awareness of Free Software) that Free
> Software is not taken seriously.
> Any responses and links I will use to print materials out, to present
> to our adminstration. "Rediker" is used at other schools, so I think
> that it will be most useful to look at systems that can do what
> Rediker can do, competently.
> Thank you,
> Alan Davis
> Kagman High School
> Saipan, N. Mariana Islands
> --
> Alan Davis, Kagman High School, Saipan lngndvs@xxxxxxxxx
> I consider that the golden rule requires that if I like a program I
> must share it with other people who like it.
> --------Richard Stallman