Mail Thread Index
- [school-discuss] Microsoft muddles report from Commission on the Future of Higher Education,
- [school-discuss] Approaching administration: ammunition needed,
Alan E. Davis
- Re: [school-discuss] Math practice?,
Bruno Coudoin
- [school-discuss] Research Grids,
Joel Kahn
- [school-discuss] Audio Webcast Interview This Week: Larry Cuban, author of "Oversold and Underused",
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] Web Sites,
Joel Kahn
- [school-discuss] Interview with Larry Cuban, Author of “Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom”,
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] Self Organising Systems for mass education,
Knut Yrvin
- [school-discuss] Tux Paint beta testers wanted!,
Bill Kendrick
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Recent trends,
Rob Rittenhouse
- [school-discuss] SchoolForge procedural updates,
Justin Riddiough
- [school-discuss] Webcast Interview Tomorrow: OpenOffice in Schools,
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Do know about any Moodle implementation in your institution?,
Rob Rittenhouse
- [school-discuss] listening centers and cassette tapes,
Jonathan Polacheck
- [school-discuss] Article on Mark Shuttleworth's Open Source efforts and M$ attempts to counter them,
Daniel Howard
- [school-discuss] Interview: First Choice for Some Schools Now?,
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] open source special needs and early grade applications sought,
Daniel Howard
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] learning standards and learning objects,
Rob Rittenhouse
- [school-discuss] Student Management System,
David Lloyd
- [school-discuss] Re: listening centers and cassette tapes,
Jonathan Polacheck
- [school-discuss] Print Shop FIles,
Joel Kahn
- [school-discuss] Thursday Interview: Eric S. Raymond on "Open Source in Education",
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] Voice over IP for schools,
Daniel Howard
- [school-discuss] [IIEP] [OFFTOPIC] Open letter to B&MGF ATLA Re: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Access to Learning Award (ATLA) 2007,
Frederick Noronha
- [school-discuss] linux increased presence in Indian schools,
jim stockford
- [school-discuss] Why is thin client hardware so expensive?,
Jonathan Polacheck
- [school-discuss] Interview with Eric S. Raymond on Open Source Software in Education,
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] FLOSS & OER Wiki,
Rob Rittenhouse
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Open ECDL / ICDL - we need your help,
Rob Rittenhouse
- [school-discuss] Interviews with Maddog Hall and John Selmys; Coming Up--Doc Searls and Richard Stallman,
Steve Hargadon
- [school-discuss] bootable CDs?,
- [school-discuss] Way cool Linux Robotics web app,
Daniel Howard
- [school-discuss] Re: [school-discuss] bootable CDs?,
- [school-discuss] recommended distro of Linux for PIII/600 MHz older PCs,
Daniel Howard
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