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Re: [school-discuss] Interviews with Maddog Hall and John Selmys; Coming Up--Doc Searls and Richard Stallman

Steve Hargadon wrote:
The lessons seem to be:

1. Decision-making about technology in most schools is not made by the teachers themselves, but by higher-level policy-makers. And this is a political game, with lots of money at stake. 2. Teachers are extremely busy (it was a little heart-wrenching to hear John S. talk about the restructuring in his area that has made it even harder for teachers). We cannot place the burden on them to learn about and integrate technology into what they do, as most simply don't have the time and are measured on other factors. 3. There are early-adopter teachers who are utilizing technology actively in their classroom, but their adoption pattern is not the same as the average teacher, and so attempts to roll out technology initiatives on their experience historically haven't proven effective. 4. Even though billions of dollars have been spent on educational technology, the computer has not really penetrated or transformed the average classroom experience. 5. For technology to be truly integrated into the classroom, it will have to be so reliable and easy to use so that average teacher can participate in a grass-roots movement to bring it into the classroom, since it will likely buck the trend of decision-making at higher levels.

Steve, add one more to this list:
6. There need to be enough computers in each classroom so that all students can access them daily for integration across curriculae. A 3:1 student to PC ratio appears to be a minimum.


Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation