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[school-discuss] Thursday Interview: Eric S. Raymond on "Open Source in Education"
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Support list for open source software in schools." <k12osn@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [school-discuss] Thursday Interview: Eric S. Raymond on "Open Source in Education"
- From: "Steve Hargadon" <steve.hargadon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 09:06:38 -0700
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- Reply-to: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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This Thursday, September 21, at 5:00pm Pacific Time, I will be
interviewing Eric S. Raymond in a live "Skypecast" that will also be
recorded for later downloading.
Eric S. Raymond, known as "ESR" in the hacker community, "founded or
re-invented ... the open source movement" (see
http://www.catb.org/~esr/who-is-ESR.html) and remains a significant
voice. He is the author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar," a
collection of essays which have played a significant role in the
understanding and development of Open Source Software. We will be
talking about the role of Open Source Software in the world of K-12
A link to the Skypecast will be posted at
http://k12opensource.wikispaces.com/Interviews 30 minutes prior to the
show, and there will be 15 minutes made available for a Q&A session at
the end of the show for anyone participating in the Skypecast.
Questions for Eric prior to the show can be left at
The recorded show will be available within a day or two at
http://k12opensource.wikispaces.com/Interviews or
http://edtechlive.wikispaces.com/Recordings+List. Previous interviews
are available at those pages as well.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct
www.SteveHargadon.com - (Blog on Educational Technology)
www.K12Computers.com - (Refurbished Dell Optiplexes for Schools)
www.TechnologyRescue.com - (Linux Thin Client Solutions)
www.LiveKiosk.com - (Web Access and Content Delivery Solutions)
www.PublicWebStations.com - (Disaster & Shelter WebStation Software)
www.K12OpenSource.com (Public Wiki)
www.SupportBlogging.com (Public Wiki)