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Re: I love it when a plan comes together

On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 08:30:27AM -0500, Doug Loss wrote:
> Now that we're back from the holiday, let's try to get a plan together
> before more holidays and get to coding at the first of the year.  Who
> feels up to the challenge of putting together an initial try?  We'll put
> it on a web page for review.  I should warn you that I'm going to try to
> write up a plan myself, just so we have something to complain about, and

I am working on such a set of webpages ... I don't like posting too early
because first impressions do count ... but if you think it can help, I'll
post what I have so far.

I have just finished term 1 report cards with "jar".  It went well
(involving 12 elementary teachers) However, I wrote it before the XML
paradigm shift.  So I will be redoing it for term 2 report cards (march 99)
... I also promised some teachers to have a gradebook linked to jar.  I will
need both a text-console version (which I can write) and the ever-popular
GUI version (and I cound on Gbook for that :-)
