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Re: [seul-edu] appropriate lightweight distribution

I'd just like to add that Linux-Mandrake should be about 10% faster than Red 
Hat because Mandrake compiles in Pentium optimizations.  

Last year I used the then-latest Mandrake (6.1) on some older Pentiums 
without any trouble.  A recent Mandrake like 8.0 might even be OK, but I 
haven't tried that recently.

Definitely bump up the RAM if possible.  Sometimes www.hitechcafe.com runs 
good specials on old RAM.

Two months ago I got RH 6.1 and X to run acceptably well on a 486/100 with 
12MB of RAM.  I used flwm.  It was usable for most things but on heavier apps 
it had to access swap a lot.  

Jeff Nelson

On Friday 14 December 2001 04:36, you wrote:
> Personal experience with 20 old classroom Pentiums ranging from 70 to 133
> mhz: RH 6.2 is really slow with 16 meg, but if you bump it up just a
> little, to 24meg, it even runs gnome and Netscape acceptably well. If you
> bring it up to 32 meg, everything works just fine. RH 7.x seems to overtax
> the resources of slower Pentiums, so I've stuck with 6.2 so far. Dave
> Prentice
> prentice@instruction.com
> -----Original Message-----
>     From: Keir and Robyn <keirobyn@yahoo.com>
>     To: seul-edu@seul.org <seul-edu@seul.org>
>     Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:26 PM
>     Subject: [seul-edu] appropriate lightweight distribution
>     I am planning on rebirthing some decrepid P133 16MB 1GB Windows
> machines as Linux word processing and internet terminals.  Can anyone
> recommend a distribution?  I was planning on using Red Hat, since it seems
> the most widely available, but someone suggested that it might be too large
> and that I should try a �light weight� distribution such as Slackware.  I
> was unaware that there were any differences in distributions from a
> hardware requirement standpoint.  Can anyone suggest a distribution for
> this p rpose?