I should have said this earlier but the programs and ideas for education are closer to what we need in schools than games and/or education type stuff. A quick example: Reading books. These can help children learn how to read but they are mostly suitable for at home use. Classroom use is quite limited. That is, it is nice to have programs which can be used in a kind of workshop type set up where students work on their own but it isn't much of a classroom.
Another item which would be nice is a scheduler/PIM. There aren't any
available for any OS which work well in a school.
I am not sure about a games package. But we do need a DATABASE!
I thought I would give it a try, listing out some packages that people might
Internet connectivity package (tools required for email and web browsing)
Web page design package (tools required for designing a web page)
Office automation package (wordprocessor plus spreadsheet, etc.)
Networking package
Software development package (compiler, debugger, etc.)
Scientific applications package
Games package
begin:vcard n:Dolph;S. Barret x-mozilla-html:FALSE url:http://www.angelfire.com/on/WhiteHorse/index.html org:White Horse English Development Center adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email;internet:white129@ms7.hinet.net title:Headmaster x-mozilla-cpt:;-1 fn:S. Barret Dolph end:vcard