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Re: PHYML: XML for decribing physical objects.

Bruno Vernier wrote:
> Hello,
> The following is a link to PHYML (Physical Markup Language), an XML for
> physics equipment (and apparently much more) developed by Georges Khaznadar in
> France. This was introduced at the "Universite des Logiciels Libres" ( a
> summer workshop for open source software in Grenoble that just ended (and
> which our colleague Odile Benassy attended).

en fait j'étais plutôt intervenante...
c'est moi qui ai fait la conférence et c'est moi qui ai animé
dependant je ne t'en veux pas, je t'ai déjà dit que je ne me sentais pas
très compétente sur ce sujet, j'étais un peu gênée mais je l'ai fait et
je pense que àa a été utile
à l'occasion, corrige tout de même... 
(mais sans insister)
> I think it is a very clever use of XML which can be used to store information
> about physics equipment inventory as well as describing experiments with
> automatic selection of alternative equipment for the job to be done.
> The web page is brand new (version 0.0 :-) but already contains a significant
> explanation and plenty of examples.
> Bruno
> > http://boltz.univ-littoral.fr/~georgesk/phyml/phyml.html (français)
> > http://boltz.univ-littoral.fr/~georgesk/phyml/phyml.en.html (english)

Odile Bénassy,