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Re: Personnel skill levels (was Re: SEUL homepage)


Doug Loss wrote:

Shannon Spurling wrote:

> [...] The school will pay some consultant that
> knows enough to put Linux on a box, and then he hooks it up and leaves. Now
> what dose the school do with it? I'm not saying that Linux is not good. I
> love it, and I see endless possibilities, but we also have to know who we
> are dealing with and work to make it available to them in a manner they can
> understand and work with effectively.

Bluntly, then the school is run by fools.  This wouldn't work for any
network operating system--Linux, NetWare, NT, etc.  What's needed in
that case is what I mentioned above, local Linux volunteers to help
administer the systems and to train the school personnel in the
maintenance and administration of it.

Now is the time to ask again for volunteers to post to the Linux Educational Needs Posting Pages...  http://www.slip.net/~brk/linuxedpp.htm

Guilt trip below.

Please pass this request around to others on your PERSONAL email lists.  We really have a need for the "GNU Generation" but there are few places for them to learn.  Do you want your kids learning about computers from a bunch of MSCE wannabe's that think "Linux" carries a security blanket?  That is worse than learning "about IT in the gutters of a computer lab."   As many of us thought that computing required a machine and software from SEARS, or machine time begged, borrowed or stolen from a major university or secret government lab until.... SOMEONE told us about LINUX.  We asked questions, then hacked, crashed and asked again.  Please return back to the community as you are able.
