I have one list I subscribe to that does such a thing. What often
happens is you get a subject header line like this
[seul-edu]RE:[seul-edu] list header tags. I also find iit is
annoying to sort through the headers with this kind of tag. A MINOR
annoyance, I am adaptable.
my two cents.
dicover a place you can assist the Linux community.
Doug Loss wrote:
Jeff Waddell asked me why seul-edu doesn't have some marker in the
subject line indicating that a message came from the mailing list. The
reason is because this never occurred to us before, although it probably
should have. Before we implement such a thing, I'd like to find out if
anyone has strong feelings for or against this. If sentiment is
generally "for" or neutral, we'll probably add something like [seul-edu]
to the beginning of the subject of all messages from the list.--
Doug Loss The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain