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[Fwd: K12Linux: FWD: Open Source in Schools]

This just came in from the k12linux@riverdale.k12.or.us list.

Would anyone care to respond?


-- BEGIN included message

Hello Everyone!

I've been getting a fair amount of email recently asking about case
studies of Linux in schools.  One such request I have attached to
the end of this email (with permission, drop Malcolm a line if you
something which may be of interest to him!).

I've been kicking around building some sort of K12Linux case studies
website. I know many of you have done some pretty nifty work, and I
think it would be a good idea to share it with the world. I'm going
write up something on the things I'm currently working one (mainly
replacing Netware with Linux/Samba/LDAP and Groupwise with Cyrus/IMP).
Let me know what you think. Or even better whip up a quick webpage on
what you're doing with Linux in your schools and mail the URL to me
(I'd also be happy to provide the server/bandwidth if you'd like me
 to host the html for you).


----- Forwarded message from Malcolm Herbert <malc@ngfl.gov.uk> -----

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 08:00:15 +0100
From: Malcolm Herbert <malc@ngfl.gov.uk>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.5-15 i686)
X-Accept-Language: en
To: eharrison@pdx.wantweb.net
Subject: Open Source in Schools
X-UID: 617

hi Eric,

saw your article in Computer Bits from last January.

I am currently compiling a briefing on Open Source for the UK government
(the current state of affairs etc) and would be interested in hearing
more about significant Linux/Open Source projects that are taking place
in the US. Have seen some details on the K12Linux project which is very

In the UK, Open Source uptake by educational bodies (local, regionally
based) is sporadic, although Powys in Wales (www.powys.gov.uk) have
rolled out Linux servers to all their primary and secondary schools to
provide mail/web/file sharing facilities. The use MySQL to store
configuration information about each of the servers allowing for
effective remote management and for machines to be rebuilt quickly and
simply if there are hardware problem

My work involves the development of the UK governments National Grid for
Learning (NGfL) www.ngfl.gov.uk, an I believe that Open Source has a
strong part to play.

up the revolution


Dr Malcolm Herbert
Head of Technology Research and Development
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency

Tel: 44 (0) 24 847126     Fax: 44 (0) 24 847120

----- End forwarded message -----

This message was sent from the K12Linux Listserv.
For information on subscribing and unsubscribing,
see http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/linux/listserv.html
or send mail to pnelson@riverdale.k12.or.us

-- END included message