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Re: Archon

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, A Replicant wrote:
> Firstly, it's great to see a bit of activity on
> XArchon again. I've been watching the web site on a
> weekly basis in the hope of some progress. Thanks
> Mike.
> On another note (and I hope this is okay here), have
> any of you taken a look at "Archon: Evolution"? It's
> at http://www.curvesoftware.co.uk/archon. They link to
> your site, so I assume there's no problem with my
> posting here. Anyway, it looks really promising even
> though it is for W*ndows/DirectX. They have been
> working with *the* Jon Freeman, which excites me to
> say the least :)

    It looks like they are proprietary though.  They also do not even hint
at a *nx port, which would mean I would probably have to boot into windows
to play it.  BAH!  

   As far as your questions go, don't get bogged down in administrative
work if you don't need to.  Get cvs work in what ever way you know or can
learn how.  If it is wrong, it can be fixed.  As far as plans for the
future, do what interests you.  If anyone else actually is will to provide
code to do something (like port to SDL) coordinate with them, but
otherwise do what you want.  The last time there was activity on this list
there was a lot of traffic about what people _wanted_ to see but not what
they were willing to do.  I guess there question should be "What are you
willing to do for version x.xx" and then work with those who answer.
    Just a thought... and thanks for not letting xarchon die.  
