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Archon Evolution
>Firstly, it's great to see a bit of activity on
>XArchon again. I've been watching the web site on a
>weekly basis in the hope of some progress. Thanks
Sure! I'm glad to hear there are people out there paying attention :)
>On another note (and I hope this is okay here), have
>any of you taken a look at "Archon: Evolution"? It's
>at http://www.curvesoftware.co.uk/archon. They link to
>your site, so I assume there's no problem with my
>posting here. Anyway, it looks really promising even
>though it is for W*ndows/DirectX. They have been
>working with *the* Jon Freeman, which excites me to
>say the least :)
Thanks for the link! I didn't know anything about Archon: Evolution. It looks like it would be tough competition, if they made a Linux port.
I'd love to find a way for XArchon players to network with A:E players, but I doubt they would be willing to share enough info about the game for that to work. The forum discussion about network play is quite interesting, though:
- Mike
- References:
- Archon
- From: A Replicant <replicant2001@yahoo.com>