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Re: CVS and other hosting issues

On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 12:39:50AM -0400, Daniel E. Markle wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 09:44:31AM +1000, Lachlan Cox wrote:
> > the SF staff are very helpful
> I've heard plenty of horror stories about this, so I would be hesitant to let
> you add this to your list.  There have been many instances of people trying to
> help add features, etc. and just getting ignored.  There was a slashdot
> article about this a few weeks ago, I believe.
okay, they were extremely helpful to me...I was a CVS newbie and all :) But I suppose that was back around the 1000 mark. They have 5000 odd projects now.

> > Its a fabulously rich, fast, stable environment - we don't need to use it all, but I think that some things would be very nice, especially for such a distributed dev group. Seul could do the job, but SF does it all automatically, in nice shades of purple.

> "Rich" is a bit of a stretch.  The interface needs quite a bit of work, and a
> lot of the features they add are very basic.  But I will agree with fast and
> stable, and it is enough for most projects.  
its being worked on very steadily.
and it has the backing of VA and ~5000 projects...
> The advantage Seul has is infinite flexibility.  Want bugzilla?  Fine.  Want 
> some custom scripting tool put on the site's webserver?  Fine.  Want to move
> the site to be hosted at xarchon.org?  Just let someone know and you will
> quickly be all set.  It's just a matter of getting one of the Seul admins to 
> help you out, and you're set to go.  One problem Seul has is that it lacks a 
> page telling you what all of the many available features are and how to use 
> them, which is something that is being worked on.

Ok, I'll agree with that. But they *are* there, and you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Just thought, for a mature project, with an infant devel (ie new to the project, not programming) team it would be handy.

> A couple of projects with Seul are using Sourceforge and Seul, using each for
> what they are best at, as well.  I have nothing against Sourceforge, really,
> it's just that for the projects I have tried, I found Sourceforge to be much
> more of a pain to set up and use, with much less support than what is
> available at Seul.
Note: I don't have a clue about seul, I've only used SF, so I was just saying what I thought was good about that.
