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Re: intro

Well, it was just a suggestion, about the PC version.  It's also a matter of
perspective.  I tried playing
the C64 version a few times on an emulator (x64 I think) and didn't find
this pixel-movement-thingy
very appealing.  It can probably at least partly attributed to the emulator
acting a bit choppy, but
some of it comes from the fact that I'm simply much more used to
square-based movement.

Now regarding the modem, this is a Winmodem.  It means the hardware just
somehow connects
the phone line to the CPU, and OS drivers are supposed to do a large
percentage of the work
of "traditional" hardware modems.  And there are no drivers for Linux, at
least not that I know of.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steffen Moeller" <moeller@ebi.ac.uk>
To: <xarchon-l@xarchon.seul.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 23:33
Subject: Re: intro

> This is a very nice story, I think. I only know the C64 version and unless
> the PC version brings extra fun or compatibility (which to my
> understanding it doesn't) I would not keep it as such. One could though
> offer a variety of parameters to make individual figures faster/ more
> intelligent/stronger and besides individual settings allow presettings
> accord to match the C64/PC version.
> Have you bought a new USB modem and have problems configuring it under
> Linux (blind guess)? Maybe together we have a chance to get you connected
> again.
> Steffen
> > > Actually, one other thing - Ronen, where did you get the numbers
> > > rate, damage, health, bullet speed) for the creatures in XArchon?  I
> > > screenshots of the original Archon running under a C64 emulator, and
> > > measured things like the height of the health bar in pixels, and how
> > > each creature's attack dropped the enemy's health, and came up with
> > > different numbers to those in XArchon...
> >
> > X ARCHON is modelled after the PC version of ARCHON that I had.
> > As it turned out, the PC version is the crappiest of all the versions of
> > that ever were.  And as if it wasn't enough that the graphics subsystem
> > way worse on the PC, compared to the C64 and Amiga, the guy who did
> > the PC conversion felt it was also necessary to screw up the game with
> > stuff like that square-based movement.
> >
> > But I haven't found out that other ARCHONs were nicer until about
> > through X ARCHON;  and besides, the PC version is the one I set out to
> > a clone of, so that's what I did do in the end.  I do know, however,
> > this
> > disappoints a few people on the list.
> >
> > So about the numbers, they're loosely based on the PC version..
> > I made some alterations here and there, where I thought it would be more
> > "my way," but basically it's the PC version.
> >
> > I understand from this email (and other emails from you) that you're
> > changing
> > this to be point-based movement, and perhaps C64-based
> > damage/speed/whatever.
> > That's nice, I'm all for that, but would you consider also keeping the
> > current
> > behavior?  Maybe have a platform-selection-button, selecting between PC
> > C64
> > modes.  Or compile-time option (easier, yuckier).  This is just a
> > suggestion.
> >
> > Oh well.  Byebye.
> >
> >
> >
>     Steffen Moeller <moeller@ebi.ac.uk>    ICQ 37032340