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Re: Web site layout
On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Galen Johnson wrote:
> Hey Felipe,
> Looks good...How do you feel about javascript (the mouseover,
> highlight the selection) you know...just the basics.
I don't feel good. I know how to code in Javascript and am able to do it
technically, but IMHO Javascript causes more harm than good. However if
you guys think the site should have it, I'll put it in.
Just an observation: currently the site is Lynx friendly. (could be better
with a textual list of links for the sections at the bottom)
Ah, I need the names of the people who are working on the code to place in
the credits section. Mail me privately. I only need to know name and
email, but if you want any more text to come below your name, it's ok
(like I placed a list of my projects under mine).
who: Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo, undergraduate in Computer Engineering
what: Linux/FreeBSD developer and advocate. Working to ensure our freedom
mail: bergo@seul.org || bergo@linuxstart.com || guazzibe@ic.unicamp.br
web: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~guazzibe
where: Unicamp - Campinas - SP - Brazil - Earth
* Keyboard error. Think <F1> to resume.