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Re: Introducing Torfox 3.0.10

Jacob wrote:
> What happens when you leave plugins enabled, they respect proxy connections and then it is unset?

They have no choice but to respect them. However, Java and Flash both have ways that still leak your IP so all plugins will be disabled along with _javascript_. I don't mean disabled with an option either. I'm going to hardcode the changes so it's impossible for them to become active.

> I think it's pretty unethical to explicitly make money by using a _tracking_ technology to profit from users who _explicitly_ do not want to be tracked.

I think you're overreacting just a little. It is ultimately just a browser landing page, not much different from the default Firefox homepage and any _javascript_ that Google tries to load will be ignored just as if you were loading from google.com directly. If you can give me an actual example of how my page is any worse than Google.com then I will fix it ASAP. Otherwise, I don't see an issue.