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[schoolforge] Re: Thank you and agenda items

Back from holiday break... and so much email to catch up on! *grin* I
think I'm finally up to speed with where schoolforge is, so I'll toss
my two cents in here and run like heck. ;)

> *PR: I hope we will work toward a common pr package that members and
> supporters can take with them to conferences. If of interest, then I
> suggest that we discuss what this might consist of exactly.

This is something I've expressed interest in doing in the past, so I'll
restate that interest now, especially in light of the upcoming LWCE
conference which I will be attending (and moderating an education BOF
with Harry).  I think it's critical that we have Schoolforge
information available at the show for corporate and media types to take
home with them.  Here's what I've got in mind so far for a press pack:

- Press release (English; have copies of other languages available on
- 'What is Schoolforge' text (from http://schoolforge.net/what.php)
- Operating procedures
- List of members
- Short (half-sheet) page of basic info about Schoolforge, including
mission statement and contact information (lots of these available
independent of press kits)

We could also solicit information from Schoolforge members about their
projects to include in the packet if we like. Other things to consider
include a 'quote sheet' (containing quotes from various Schoolforge
members about why to join, what our mission is, etc.), interviews with
core members and developers, prewritten articles of varying lengths,
etc. I suspect the easier it is for people to write articles, the more
coverage we'll get ;)

Anyone else have any ideas? I'll be happy to print and assemble the
kits - I've got access to printers, copiers, paper and the like, so it
won't be any trouble. I would like to send the kits ahead of me so that
I don't have to lug them onto planes and trains, so that moves the
timetable up a little - I'll have to have everything done by the
weekend before the show (Jan 26-27).  If anyone has any comments or
ideas to share, please let me know.  Thanks!



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